The Wedding of

Kishan & Renata

May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2025

“I love how you love love.
I don’t know any other reason to love other than to love.
What do you want me to tell you, besides that I love you,
if what I want to tell you is that I love you?”
Fernando Pessoa

We met in Dubai and we call Dubai home, but it’s a lie, home is when we are in each other’s arms, wherever in the world that may be!
And so, we quickly realized that sooner rather than later, this step would have to happen.
You’re gladly invited you to our wedding and we can’t wait to celebrate with all of you!

What’s happening in each day

Dia 1 – Sagai & Sangeet

(Lisbon Hindu Temple)

10h30 Sagai (engagement ceremony) and Lunch

20h30 Sangeet (offering of dances by friends and family to the bride and groom) and Garba

Day 2 – Chuda & Pithi

(Location to be announced – invitation only)

10h30 Morning of religious ceremonies (Kishan’s side only)

17h00 Chuda (bracelet ceremony) and Pithi (blessing ceremony with “bath” of turmeric paste)

Day 3 – Lagan

(Quinta de Monfalim – invitation only)

15h Jaan (groom’s entrance parade)

16h Lagan (religious wedding)

17h30 Cocktail / Dinner / Party

Do you still have questions?